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Pray for Afghanistan

By Dan Challis
  • Prayer |
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    As you have no doubt seen, the Taliban have returned to power in Afghanistan.  The situation remains volatile and the future of the country is uncertain, while there is fear of a return to the situation pre-2001.

    We invite you to join us in praying for the nation of Afghanistan.  While this may seem to us an overwhelming and painful situation, it remains entirely under the sovereignty of God, in whom “all things hold together”.  Even though we cannot understand why things have worked out in this way we trust that God is working his purposes out, and we hold on to the words in Genesis: “As for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good”.

    In particular, please pray:

    • That the rights of women and children would be protected.

    • That girls would continue to be able to go to school.

    • For an end to violence.

    • That those at particular risk would be able to leave safely and that other nations would welcome and protect them.

    • For the Taliban themselves.  Pray that their hearts would be softened, that they would show mercy, and that God would reveal himself to them and turn them away from violence and towards the justice and love that are His alone.

    Thank you for commiting to praying

    Your prayers make a difference! Thank you for praying to see transformation in the lives and communities of Asia & the Arab World.

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