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From death to life: Chan’s story

By Amy Durrant
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    Interserve Partners at a Christian hospital in Southeast Asia share the recent story of a young person in their care:

    Chan,* a fifteen year old boy, arrived at our hospital to receive palliative care last December. He was close to death, and those caring for him wanted to ensure he was in a safe place and could receive visitors from his orphanage as he approached the end of his life. The orphanage staff were scared that he would die in their building. Here in Southeast Asia there is a great fear of death, and many organisations fear that if someone dies in their care, a government investigation and punitive measures may follow. We were keen to offer a place for Chan when other doors were closed.

    Chan’s story is one of great sadness. Having lost his parents at an early age, he was trafficked and sexually abused along with his younger sister. He also had a chronic heart abnormality from birth. If born in the UK he would have had corrective heart surgery as an infant, but there is no funding or opportunity for heart surgery for an orphan boy here. He came to us with pneumonia, transferred from another hospital where he had not been treated with the correct medications. He was struggling to breathe, and in much pain and distress.

    Chan stayed at our hospital for a week. Staff were moved to compassion to accept and care for him, even though this meant working extra unscheduled hours. We treated the infection and provided effective pain medication. As we are not a government hospital, morphine is very difficult to obtain here, but by God’s grace we had just enough donated morphine for him during his time with us. We prayed for him and talked with him about Jesus.

    As Chan spent time in our care, he began to regain strength. He began to play on his phone and started to talk more – it seemed he finally started to feel safe. He enjoyed listening to praise songs when he heard a church meeting in the patient waiting area, and quickly decided to accept Jesus as his Lord. We saw his anxiety lessen and peace increase. All praise to the King of Kings!

    After only six days, Chan was significantly improved, and transferred to a different hospital for longer term care. Recently we heard that he was able to return home to the orphanage with his sister. From his poor prognosis arriving with us, the reality of him walking back to his friends seems like a miracle.

    We are hugely encouraged and grateful seeing how God made a way to bless Chan through the love, expertise, and prayers of the team here. As he met with God, he received peace, hope and healing. Luke 9:2 is at the heart of our mission as a Christian hospital: “he sent them out to proclaim the kingdom of God and to heal the sick.” This work of love is such a privilege that God entrusts to us, and we thank and praise Him for it.

    This story was originally published in our 2024 Impact Report, June 2024. * Name changed for security reasons.

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